Friday, January 16, 2009
Wow! its been quite a while since i blogged on here! no time! anyway im already looking forward to summer....less then 6 months! whooo! and second semester is finally here!!! yes!!! sweet freedom from health and gym class! now i get all my electives! woods and facs! its gonna be so much fun! i can and cant wait for this 4 day weekend to end! well obama is about to bow into office and bush is out! finally! lets hope that obama will be able to clean this mess up and get the ecodomy like it was when bill clinton was in office! well hope you guys have a great semester!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Utter Disappointment
Twilight. Twilight. Twilight. Twilight. Twilight. Twilight.
We have been hearing about it for days. Twilight this Twilight that. Radio stations giving way tickets to desperate moms wanting to take their daughters yata yata ya. Hearing about the big premier in Hollywood and having people brag about having tickets to go at Midnight. All this hype about Twilight. All "twilighters" have been waiting for a year for the film to be made, edited, and featured. All to be disappointed.
For me Twilight was a real disappointment. I came into the theater excited and with high expectations. None of those expectations were met. The movie lacked romance and where it lacked they tried to make up to it by adding humor. Robert Pattinson in my opinion was totally wrong for the part. He looked really ugly as Edward...Bella just bothered me. Jasper looked stoned and awkward. I didn't like Eric or Angela. I expected more. I though they did a good job with Rosilie! She was WAY pretty and bratty. i loved that. Alice i though was perfect. James and Victoria i liked a lot. Carliele (yes i know i spelled it wrong) was amazing. Esme was pretty good also but she didn't have a big enough part. I was actually surprised! Watching this movie made me like Jacob even more! Jacob is way hot but i didn't like the wig on him...he'll look so much better in New Moon. I just didn't flat like this movie. Half way threw it i decided i was bored and i hated this movie.
The only part i liked was when Edward was taking Bella to meet his family and they were making this fancy dinner trying to act human. Rosilie goes why are we making Italian? is bella Italian? and i think it was Emmet who answers...Well duh her name is Bella! And then Rosilie smashes a bowl cuz she gets mad that they were working so hard to fix Bella a meal when they find out that she ate before she came over....
I also though this part was kinda when Edward was playing the piano and Bella was watching him play...and that's it. The rest was cheesy.
Well if i were you i wouldn't waste my time and money to go see this....if you want to see it wait until it comes out to rent.
We have been hearing about it for days. Twilight this Twilight that. Radio stations giving way tickets to desperate moms wanting to take their daughters yata yata ya. Hearing about the big premier in Hollywood and having people brag about having tickets to go at Midnight. All this hype about Twilight. All "twilighters" have been waiting for a year for the film to be made, edited, and featured. All to be disappointed.
For me Twilight was a real disappointment. I came into the theater excited and with high expectations. None of those expectations were met. The movie lacked romance and where it lacked they tried to make up to it by adding humor. Robert Pattinson in my opinion was totally wrong for the part. He looked really ugly as Edward...Bella just bothered me. Jasper looked stoned and awkward. I didn't like Eric or Angela. I expected more. I though they did a good job with Rosilie! She was WAY pretty and bratty. i loved that. Alice i though was perfect. James and Victoria i liked a lot. Carliele (yes i know i spelled it wrong) was amazing. Esme was pretty good also but she didn't have a big enough part. I was actually surprised! Watching this movie made me like Jacob even more! Jacob is way hot but i didn't like the wig on him...he'll look so much better in New Moon. I just didn't flat like this movie. Half way threw it i decided i was bored and i hated this movie.
The only part i liked was when Edward was taking Bella to meet his family and they were making this fancy dinner trying to act human. Rosilie goes why are we making Italian? is bella Italian? and i think it was Emmet who answers...Well duh her name is Bella! And then Rosilie smashes a bowl cuz she gets mad that they were working so hard to fix Bella a meal when they find out that she ate before she came over....
I also though this part was kinda when Edward was playing the piano and Bella was watching him play...and that's it. The rest was cheesy.
Well if i were you i wouldn't waste my time and money to go see this....if you want to see it wait until it comes out to rent.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
she seems to think that she is invisible to boys. she has a crush on this one guy that totally ignores her. (yes they do know each other they went to elementary school together). She seems to think that she is a wallflower and flying under guys radar. Her crush seems to be all the more interested in this other girl and this anonymous girl seems to think she is nothing compared to this girl. She wants to know if you guys have any advise for her.
post your advise! maybe she will listen to what you say since shes not listening to me!
she seems to think that she is invisible to boys. she has a crush on this one guy that totally ignores her. (yes they do know each other they went to elementary school together). She seems to think that she is a wallflower and flying under guys radar. Her crush seems to be all the more interested in this other girl and this anonymous girl seems to think she is nothing compared to this girl. She wants to know if you guys have any advise for her.
post your advise! maybe she will listen to what you say since shes not listening to me!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Follower or Leader?
There are many, many ways to classify a person. Its often said that people jump to judgements way to fast these days. Sure. We all do it. But really this is the only way that i do it. Is this person a leader or a follower? If they are a leader what kind are they? Do they totally dominate everyone else and do only what they want? Or do they listen to others opinions and contribute their own while steadily leading? If they are a follower what kind are they? Are they your usual sidekick following and doing everything the leader saids? Or do they have their say and then willingly give up and follow the leader? In some cases its hard to tell until you know that person almost completley. In others you can tell right off the bat. My dad raised me not to be a follower. He always told me that by being a follower you would get stomped on and your opinion silenced. So naturally im a leader. im not as dominate as the first type of leader i explained. I listen to others ideas. i may contribue some of theirs to mine but i will probably go with mine. Its really that simple (or at lease it is for me) to classify a new person i meet as a leader or follower. Which one are you? Follower or Leader? Its really your decision to be either one of them.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mr. President

Yes!!!! Barrack Obama is our (soon to be) President! ah sweet victory! Thank the heavens that the airhead Sarah palin and company (Todd, Bristol, Trig, etc.) aren't gonna have any power in the white house! Alright now that this election is over people are now looking forward to the next one is 2012. First off i don't believe that John McCain is gonna run again because hes pretty old and by that time could be dead or in a resting home....and now everybody is saying that Sarah palin should run for president next. FACT: if she runs. shell lose. simple as that. Obama has some major damage control to do and he wasn't shy is saying that this is gonna take more than 4 years to accomplish. So everyone just be happy! This is history being made right now! He will be a great president.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ah November!!
This month is going to be great! first off my brother Brandon's birthday is on November 14! Hes turning 12 and is excited to become a tween. The election tomorrow is gonna be huge! My bet is that the democrates will take over the White House AND The Senete! GO OBAMA! I was very sad to hear that his grandmother died and just before the day of the election too! What a heartbreaker. We feel for you Barak! Anyway the new James Bond movie is coming out November 14 is sure to be a hit and the movie twilight which is sure to ruin the book and have terrible acting comes out on the 21. We have some artist who's Cd's are expected to drop. David A.'s comes out on the 11 (whoop de doo). The fabulous David Cooks CD drops on the 18. But we cant forget about the Killers! Theirs comes out on the 25! One of the great things about November is Thanksgiving! Whoo!!! turkey, potatoes, stuffing....oh i cant wait! i have some ideas if you guys want them....i have a recipe for pumpkin-cheese cake (its delicious!) if you guys want it then just say so in the comments and i will probably post it in a few days. And a fun decoration idea! its a how to make your own turkey if you want the info. just say so in the comments! your wish is my command!
Things to come.....
I am very excited! my orthodontist pinky promised that i would get my braces off before Christmas! ahh! also of course Christmas is right behind the corner and i know i will have a very big blog about that so stay tuned! =)
lots of love
Things to come.....
I am very excited! my orthodontist pinky promised that i would get my braces off before Christmas! ahh! also of course Christmas is right behind the corner and i know i will have a very big blog about that so stay tuned! =)
lots of love
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