hmmm............fall. Don't you just love it and hate it? The official end of summer. no more swim suites, flip flops, swimming, tanning, relaxing, vacationing, and being on your own schedule. I will miss it. But then there is the big upside to having fall roll around. Cooler weather, football, the fall colors, Halloween and all that good stuff. So if you didn't get the clue this blog is about fall!
(sigh) i know i love flip flops too but its time to put them away. I am maybe going to wear mine a few times more and then they are done until late spring. People need to grasp that they look weird with flip flops on when the ground is starting to freeze and its getting ready to snow. Let go of summer. It will eventually come again. Go with the season. Move on to boots. Those spell FALL out in a good way. Plus they look good. tuck them into a pair of skinny jeans that look cute. Jackets are making their appearance again but instead of looking ordinary in a Holister, american eagle, aeropostale, etc. go to khols or a lesser popular store and get something that chances are nobody else is gonna have. That way you avoid all the comparisons that happen when people show up wearing the same thing you are. Vest and coats say hello to fall and winter in a great way. But don't forget to accessorize! If you want to take an outfit all the way have some bracelets or a cute necklace on! don't forget some great earrings that stands out to get you noticed.
Leaving your hair down and plain is always great. but why not mix it up a little? you don't want to have the same hairdo every day. So take some time to crimp your hair or if you think its to time consuming then just put your hair in braids when you get out of the shower that night and take them out in the morning. It will be a nice touch to your outfit. Curling your hair is always adorable. Just don't forget to put a lot of hair spray so it last though out the day. Half up and down is always way cute. There is always a few options with this one. Give your hair a little volume so that its not just flat. But not that much volume that it is "poofy". You could have your hair crimped and have it half up and down. or pull some hair back from your middle hair line part, hair spray that or place bobby pins in it to make it stay put then pull half of it back. Another great style for that is to pull it all up in a ponytail. The pony tail is always cool. Get it into a pony tail, pull tight then go to the top of where the elastic is and pull some hair loose. Not out of the ponytail just so that it gives it a little poof.
I have to talk about this. I'm really mad at Tony Romo. For people who don't know he is the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. He flipping broke his pinky so he says he cant play and that leaves forty year old who hasn't played in a while to fill in for him. Of course he sucks so they loose. 2 games ago our punter got hurt because they came up to bock the punt and succeeded but they broke his foot. So hes gone for the whole season. Pac Man Jones is suspend for partying and drinking. great. he was the key to the Dallas defence. Then on top of that we are having a few other injury's. well here goes home field advantage for the playoffs! AHHHHH!!!!!
I love this time of year! costumes and candy! This year there are gonna be some really cute costumes. The Joker is gonna be a really big one along with Batman. (Hats off to Heath Ledger). Witches are always a favorite. Bugs and fairy's are a popular choice. Some people say they plan on being a hippy or ninja or something crazy like that. Or the typical princess. These are all great. Get creative! be something that not many people are going to be! I hear that people are planning on being Sarah Palin (that will be hilarious), John McCain, and barack obama. People are even thinking about being the presidential canidits wife's! Well this year is gonna be great. I still plan on trick-or-treating. Hey we are still kids right? so just have fun!
Just get out and take a walk! breath the fresh air and enjoy the fall leaves! i still enjoy stepping on leaves and looking at the colors that they change. Take a few minutes to appreciate where you live! look up at the mountains and marvel at the colors that they change and enjoy it while they last because all this means that winter is just that much closer....(sigh) meaning cold and snow. ah well. enjoy it while it last!
love always
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008

-Hey guys this post is all about the new bush movie called W.
When i went to see this movie i new that i would walk away absolutely hating Bushes gusts a lot more then i already did. This movie did a very good job of making bush look like an idiot who didnt know what he was doing which in real life he didnt know what he was doing anyway right? They showed his early years when he was an achoholic and couldnt keep a job. He was always the one to get bailed out by daddy. It shows bush threw the years getting into more trouble and meeting his future wife laura. He stupidly wanted to run for office in texas and lost becuase W. didnt know what he was talking about. So he hired some guy to teach him the issues and how to answer questions reporters would through at him. He ran for gov. of Texas and was lucky enough to win. His dad decides to run for president and asked bush jr. to help him out in campeining he does and his dad wins the presidency. When bush seinors 4 years in office where about to come to a close bush thought that the sucess of the mission dessert storm would push him threw and win 4 more years of being president but i didnt happen. (in the theater there were people clapping when the movie stated that bill clinton defeated george bush and i started laughing) obiously most of the people seeing the movie were either demorcat or independent. Anyway the movie goes on and on until governer george w bush calls his preacher to his office and saids that "god told him to run for president". So he does and the movie shows him winning and then getting into the whole iraq war. Really it just showed bushes staff making the whole decision for Bush. It just proves that the Bush administration thought that by going into afganistan, iraq, and iran that we would be swimming in oil and our country would be prospering from the gain of all that oil they have over there. But the truth is we arent getting one drop of oil from over there in the 6 years we've been there. They also chose to go to war knowing that they had no exit stratgy and that we would be there for a very long time. It showed how bush was furious that our CIA found that sadam dusain was bluffing all along about having nucular power really telling us we went over there on an empty threat and having soliders killed for nothing. It showed president Bush going to a vertains hospital and talking to a few of the soliders that were recovering there. They showed us one fellow with no leggs and bush telling him about metal prostedics and offered the guy to go running sometime. They also showed him being heartless enough talking to a veterian whos face was half burned along with his body about visiting his home in Texas and even gave the poor guy a tee shirt in thanks for his service. (people were audibly showing their discust during the movie when they saw this). and this is pretty much the end of the movie.
actors playing real people:
Condelizza Rice- Looked anerexic but they picked a good actress to play her
Colon Powell-They picked a really good person to play him! (I'm so happy that he endorsed Obama! haha Mccain! In your face!)
When i went to see this movie i new that i would walk away absolutely hating Bushes gusts a lot more then i already did. This movie did a very good job of making bush look like an idiot who didnt know what he was doing which in real life he didnt know what he was doing anyway right? They showed his early years when he was an achoholic and couldnt keep a job. He was always the one to get bailed out by daddy. It shows bush threw the years getting into more trouble and meeting his future wife laura. He stupidly wanted to run for office in texas and lost becuase W. didnt know what he was talking about. So he hired some guy to teach him the issues and how to answer questions reporters would through at him. He ran for gov. of Texas and was lucky enough to win. His dad decides to run for president and asked bush jr. to help him out in campeining he does and his dad wins the presidency. When bush seinors 4 years in office where about to come to a close bush thought that the sucess of the mission dessert storm would push him threw and win 4 more years of being president but i didnt happen. (in the theater there were people clapping when the movie stated that bill clinton defeated george bush and i started laughing) obiously most of the people seeing the movie were either demorcat or independent. Anyway the movie goes on and on until governer george w bush calls his preacher to his office and saids that "god told him to run for president". So he does and the movie shows him winning and then getting into the whole iraq war. Really it just showed bushes staff making the whole decision for Bush. It just proves that the Bush administration thought that by going into afganistan, iraq, and iran that we would be swimming in oil and our country would be prospering from the gain of all that oil they have over there. But the truth is we arent getting one drop of oil from over there in the 6 years we've been there. They also chose to go to war knowing that they had no exit stratgy and that we would be there for a very long time. It showed how bush was furious that our CIA found that sadam dusain was bluffing all along about having nucular power really telling us we went over there on an empty threat and having soliders killed for nothing. It showed president Bush going to a vertains hospital and talking to a few of the soliders that were recovering there. They showed us one fellow with no leggs and bush telling him about metal prostedics and offered the guy to go running sometime. They also showed him being heartless enough talking to a veterian whos face was half burned along with his body about visiting his home in Texas and even gave the poor guy a tee shirt in thanks for his service. (people were audibly showing their discust during the movie when they saw this). and this is pretty much the end of the movie.
actors playing real people:
Condelizza Rice- Looked anerexic but they picked a good actress to play her
Colon Powell-They picked a really good person to play him! (I'm so happy that he endorsed Obama! haha Mccain! In your face!)
Dick Cheney-Looked exactly like Dick Cheney( i was a little diappointed that they didnt refer to him shooting that one guy in the face!)
George H. Bush-Good actor but didnt look at all like Bush senior
George W. Bush-Picked a good actor to play him. with A Lot of makeup he looked like bush
Larua Bush-They made her look really good. Really young
(just wanted to say thanks to meggers! that was way fun! we were just craking up when they mentioned a gift!)
George H. Bush-Good actor but didnt look at all like Bush senior
George W. Bush-Picked a good actor to play him. with A Lot of makeup he looked like bush
Larua Bush-They made her look really good. Really young
(just wanted to say thanks to meggers! that was way fun! we were just craking up when they mentioned a gift!)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Haha Still Alive!
Alright here is my try at typing. It may take a while. My right hand almost down to my elbow is encapsitated in a wrap and inside i have splint. Let me tell ya its a big pain. It takes so much longer to do easy things plus im not left handed. ah well. im not in any physical pain or at least not yet. My mama thinks the Doc over did it alittle on the putting my arm to sleep becuase its been more or less then 5 hours since surgery and i should be taking pain pills but im not. i dont need them so why take them? I though they would just numb my arm and just do the surgery right then and there. Apparently i was wrong. I got the full treatment. Meaning i got on the bed (in a dressing gown) and the Anestisious(numbing) Doctor said i was gonna get my happy juice. I really didnt know what to expect. They asked me what high school i was gonna go to and so i answered "Jordan" and thats all i remember. I must have passed out. I woke up disorented i new where i was but i couldnt focus on anything. I just wanted to go home and get some sleep. I got to the hospital at 6:00 and left there at 10:00. i got home and went to bed for three hours then got up and watched sleeping beauty. haha i know, dorky but i havent seen that movie in forever. Then i decided to get on and update you guys! Well here you go. im doing alright.
Just wanted to say thanks for the comments on "Surgery" and thanks for text messages!!! i love you guys! I will try my hand at texting later. I cant move my thumb much so its gonna be sort of a challange but ill try :D
Ill try to blog again later. Love you guys
Just wanted to say thanks for the comments on "Surgery" and thanks for text messages!!! i love you guys! I will try my hand at texting later. I cant move my thumb much so its gonna be sort of a challange but ill try :D
Ill try to blog again later. Love you guys
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Shout Outs!!!!
These are shout outs to some of my peeps!!! :]
I Flipping love you! We meet in summer school (2 summers ago) and became really good friends! We share some of the same interest like hunting and fishing. Kaylee hunts and im about to learn how too very soon! we both love fishing she really stays local. ive been fishing local of all one time and never cought anything. But i prefer to fish in alaska where the fish fight stonger and the senery is so beautiful!! anyway kaylee and i both love sports(vollyball and softball) we have had some pretty great times together! we went to lagoon and had a ton of fun and a few weeks ago we went to a jordan game together and had a blast! I love you Kaylee we will be friends for a very long time! luv ya! :)
What can i say about Megan? i have known her since 4th grade so really we have been friends for 4 years! wow. doesnt seem that long. But we have had some pretty great times. We usually go to movies together and we used to go golfing a lot! There was this one time when Ann(megs mom) let us drive a golf cart. that was great! Almost crashed though but it was still fun. Then in 6th grade we totally went threw this faze when we were so cought up in making people aware of global warming. That was great. Me and megan both love fashion. more her then me. i really dont have anything designer but megan is the one i go to if i have a fashion delema or need her advice. We have seen and gone threw alot together! she was my operah when i was having a fight with a friend and held me together. Thanks meg luv ya. :)
i will continue with this later. my parents are about ready to kick me off the computer. so more to come!
I Flipping love you! We meet in summer school (2 summers ago) and became really good friends! We share some of the same interest like hunting and fishing. Kaylee hunts and im about to learn how too very soon! we both love fishing she really stays local. ive been fishing local of all one time and never cought anything. But i prefer to fish in alaska where the fish fight stonger and the senery is so beautiful!! anyway kaylee and i both love sports(vollyball and softball) we have had some pretty great times together! we went to lagoon and had a ton of fun and a few weeks ago we went to a jordan game together and had a blast! I love you Kaylee we will be friends for a very long time! luv ya! :)
What can i say about Megan? i have known her since 4th grade so really we have been friends for 4 years! wow. doesnt seem that long. But we have had some pretty great times. We usually go to movies together and we used to go golfing a lot! There was this one time when Ann(megs mom) let us drive a golf cart. that was great! Almost crashed though but it was still fun. Then in 6th grade we totally went threw this faze when we were so cought up in making people aware of global warming. That was great. Me and megan both love fashion. more her then me. i really dont have anything designer but megan is the one i go to if i have a fashion delema or need her advice. We have seen and gone threw alot together! she was my operah when i was having a fight with a friend and held me together. Thanks meg luv ya. :)
i will continue with this later. my parents are about ready to kick me off the computer. so more to come!
I have to rant about this. Im having surgery tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! im not looking forward to it. but then i am. i have a bump (cist) and its been bugging me so im getting it out. but it sucks. I have to get up at 5:00 in the morning! cinco de la manana. Hewlett would be proud of me (im practicing my spanish) ha ha ha. Whats more i have to live with a rap on my hand and arm (i think) for a week!!! and i cant get it wet! so i cant wash my hands or even get it wet in the shower!!!!! WAAAAAA!!!! how am i going to live? ugh. im going to die. Its gonna be really hard to type and text. or do anything. Darn. I guess its worth it right? im soooo lucky to be right handed. ya right. (thats the hand the bump is on) suck for me. i know. (sigh) so wont even be able to write. im officially depressed.
i will TRY to type tomorrow.
luv ya
i will TRY to type tomorrow.
luv ya
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Poffy Hair
now that that is over with. here is my opinion about it!
personally i cant stand it. i think it looks ugly. What are they trying to do?? make their heads look huge? How did this even get started? It looks like a freaking rats nest in the back! and how do you brush threw that? it must really hurt. Personally im not about to take that much time on my hair just to do that. From what i hear its a really long process. Guys this is what i do in the morning. I get up, brush my hair, and then decide if its going to stay up or down that day. Simple as that. It takes maybe 10 minutes. Your hair really doesnt need That much care. Come on you wouldnt call it normal. You just see all the popular chick walking around with this look. ugh i just cant stand it! grrrr...i guess thats all i have to say about this....
now that that is over with. here is my opinion about it!
personally i cant stand it. i think it looks ugly. What are they trying to do?? make their heads look huge? How did this even get started? It looks like a freaking rats nest in the back! and how do you brush threw that? it must really hurt. Personally im not about to take that much time on my hair just to do that. From what i hear its a really long process. Guys this is what i do in the morning. I get up, brush my hair, and then decide if its going to stay up or down that day. Simple as that. It takes maybe 10 minutes. Your hair really doesnt need That much care. Come on you wouldnt call it normal. You just see all the popular chick walking around with this look. ugh i just cant stand it! grrrr...i guess thats all i have to say about this....
I'm way sorry about my spelling!!! ugh i know its absolutly awful and i will try to proffread everything i write and try to make it perfect!! sorry about the miss-spellings in my past bloggs im just terrible at spelling. I promise to do my best :]
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sarah Palin and John Mccain.
Okay i just had to blog about this. How can people stand sarah palin? She is a redneck from Alaska and she tries to talk with a country hick. I mean what is she trying to do? seriously!? Her husband barly has a high school degree and sarah palin has some kind of degree in journalism. what good is that? who would want that in that white house? She is going on and on about how she can relate to everyone becuase shes a 'hocky mom'. Well she can just shove that hocky stick up her little butt for all i care. and who likes hocky anyway? its such a boring sport. Anyway. (There is no way this is gonna happen) but could you amagin them in the white house? sarahs husband being in there trying to help direct our military? He would be among highly educated people and he only has a high school degree and he would help give them orders? no way. And just recently Sarah Palin was found to have abused her power when she was gov. of alaska. Ok. Our ecodomy is already screwed up. We dont need someone who was found to have abused her power. We need someone responsible and crisp. Moving on to John Mccain. He is one old fart. He looks like he is about to fall over and have a stroke or die. Ok first, we dont need someone that is gonna get into office and then the next second kick the bucket. Then that would automatically land sarah palin as president of the u.s and nobody wants that. I like nothing about John Maccain. He was a spoiled lil party boy when he was young and got privilages becuase his daddy was a top general. He just cant relate to the young people of America today and part of it is because hes not young anymore. The only people he can really relate to is the seinor citizens. We dont need someone like that. So i am for Obama he is going to win. He is young, crisp and understands. GO OBAMA!
Thats it for now.
Thats it for now.
Okay i promised my history group peeps. (Bex and Nat) that i would put them in my first blog ever!!!! so there you go guys :D. our group is the best ever. and that loudest in the class. I really wonder what Mr. Fullmer thinks about us. Probably thinks we are crazy. oh well. haha. i love our colonly name. (We are learning about the 13 original colonlys) and if you could not possibly tell we named it Luneateze. Lovely. I know. our flag colors are yellow, orange, and black. perfect i know for halloween. So naturally we are going to have a 'halloween colony' of some sorts. Its going to be awsome. one of our towns is gonna be named Sleepyhollow. Isnt that the coolest name ever for a town?? well i had better go....ill blog later or in a couple of minutes...
luv ya
luv ya
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